Monthly Archives: October 2009

Hair Care: Unemployment Benefit

We here at Cristiano Cora Studio are very excited to announce the upcoming charity event we’ll be hosting on November 8 & 9 called Hair Care.

Hair Care is a special event to support our friends and neighbors who are unemployed. On November 8 & 9, Cristiano Cora Studio will donate FREE haircuts from 10am to 5pm to unemployed professionals to help prepare them for job interviews. 

We’ve reached out to various local intiatives as well as staffing agencies to help our neighbors get back on their feet. For more information, please click on the image below.

*Proof of unemployment necessary.

Hair Care_NYC_Cristiano landpage

Click on the image to enlarge

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Workshop Inspiration with Joyce


As an apprentice I always look forward to the inspiration I get from the precision techniques and new perspectives during the studio’s monthly educational classes with Cristiano. The intensive two day classes are focused on Cristiano’s haircutting philosophy and his creative approach though using various haircutting techniques.

This month Cristiano began the session with an introduction of the staff and gave a short history of his career. He then walked the students through the studio, explaining the idea behind the salon’s architecture and afterwards began the demonstration. The haircut he chose to demonstrate was fashion forward yet functional with a versatile shape. During the demo he explained each step so students could understand the cause and effect of why he lifted the hair differently in each section. He emphasized to his students how cutting hair methodically is the key to a clean and balanced haircut and related it to art and architecture.

Jeanise, the studio’s Colorist, then demonstrated a bleach and tone technique starting with formulation, then proceeded onto the application. She described that one must be very meticulous when applying bleach so the hair can lift evenly and to avoid any overlapping that may cause chemical breakage. During the hands-on portion, Cristiano always gets very involved with everyone individually. I am always curious to see what each stylist chooses to use for their cutting and color tools and to hear the passionate hairdressing stories from everyone.

If you’re looking for some new insight and a fresh look to creative haircuts then be sure to experience these fun and informative Davines/Cristiano Cora Classes at Cristiano Cora Studio. Check us out at, and become a fan of Cristiano Cora Studio on Facebook!

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Haircutting & Sculpture With Pia


Michelangelo's unfinished slave sculptures clearly show the building of shapes by the carving away of material, just as we build forms by cutting hair.

As Apprentices, our main goal is to become great haircutters through advanced training. We bring models in every week to practice precision haircutting techniques where we work on perfecting our ability to control hair and carefully sculpt it to build shapes. If one thinks about it, it’s quite amazing. We actually build shapes by taking away hair in the same way that sculptors create shapes by carving marble or stone. And when performed with precision and accuracy, a great haircut will grow out evenly and beautifully for months.

However, what I feel makes our training at Cristiano Cora Studio stand out is that we don’t just focus on technique. We also learn about the art of good composition. We focus on making certain parts of the face, neck, and body recede or move forward by strategically placing shapes on the head in order to best suit each person. Excellent composition in a haircut can make someone look younger, thinner, taller, bigger, smaller, more comfortable, more confident and ultimately, more beautiful.

To book appointments for carefully designed haircuts with any of the Cristiano Cora Studio Stylists please contact the salon at 212.414.1333.

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Haircut Richness & Shine With Arleen

finestpigmentsSince having had Davines Finest Pigments applied to my hair last week, the richness and shine has been turning heads. Davines Finest Pigments is a gentle color line that uses no ammonia and can be mixed with Finest Gloss Shine Booster For Hair to maximize the condition and shine of your hair. The new Finest Gloss Shine Booster For Hair can also be used on its own just for shine. These products are fantastic aids to help us all battle our dry, lifeless hair and keep haircuts looking fresh through the cold winter months to come.


To book an appointment with Arleen Quinones for a haircut and Finest Pigments with one of our coloristsplease call Cristiano Cora Studio at 212.414.1333.

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