Monthly Archives: December 2009

Stylist Apprenticing With Joyce

My advanced training classes are incredible. They allow me to focus primarily on striving to become a reputable hairstylists in this business.  During my education I am  constantly looking to improve the quality of work I am creating in my classes.  Studying areas that need attention for improvement is always rewarding because it teaches me how to become a strong hairstylist.

When looking for models I generally place ads, or scout for models on the street.  If the pictures are not clear enough I may ask them to come in for a consultation so I can see if  the model’s hair condition, texture and length are suitable for certain techniques.   This process has been very important to me because it helps me to understand how to select the best model.

During my education I am constantly looking to improve my quality of work to become a stronger hairstylist. Making time to practice is a must.  Practicing helps stimulate my memory and improve my dexterity.  Being consistent about creating beautiful shapes on my models makes me pleased when they are happy.

Every step of my training is a positive challenge because gradually I am growing and becoming more confident about my passion.

I am excited to further my education at Cristiano Cora Studio because there is so much inspiration, dedication and talent.

For beautiful haircuts and color from any of our talented Stylists and Colorists, contact Cristiano Cora Studio at 212.414.1333 to book an appointment.

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Hair Consultation Tips with Pia

The most important part of a haircut is the consultation. Here are some helpful tips for clients to effectively communicate with Stylists during consultations.

1. Get Visual: Bring photos that clearly show examples of the shapes and colors that you’re looking for. The more photos, the better. Don’t be afraid to get specific regarding the way you want the hair to fall around your face and the shape of the fringe (if any) that you would like. If you don’t have a photo, use iconic public figures. Example: Marilyn Monroe’s golden curls; Betty Page’s heavy bangs; Joan Jett’s shaggy layers, etc.

2. Use Your Hands: When discussing length speak to your Stylist through the mirror and use your fingers to show them exactly how much length you want keep. Remember, your idea of “an inch” may be different than your Stylist’s so showing them visually with your hands will give them a more accurate idea of what you’re looking for.

3. Remember Your Natural Texture: Thanks to modern technology, it’s easy to temporarily change hair texture through flat irons, curling irons, etc. Make sure to let your Stylist know what your natural texture is and how often you manipulate it to ensure they give you a haircut that will be appropriate for all the textures you tend to wear. Don’t forget to tell your Stylist if you change your part (sometimes on the side, sometimes in the middle, etc).

4. Remember Your Lifestyle: Whether you’re a busy Mom needing a low maintenance wash-and-go haircut or someone who takes the time to wear different textures and styles, it’s important to let your Stylist know how you need your haircut to fit in with your lifestyle and the time you’re willing to spend on your hair.

5. Trust Your Stylist: Once you have the basics of length, shape, and color down, it’s time to ask your Stylist what he or she feels would be best for your face and personal style as her or she professionally trained to take all of these things into account. Many times we see haircuts and color that look great on others but aren’t actually appropriate for our face, hair texture, density, personal style, and lifestyle.

Following these tips will help you leave the salon looking and feeling great about your new look.

To book an appointment for beautiful haircuts and color, contact Cristiano Cora Studio at 212.414.1333.

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Cristiano Cora/Davines Creative Workshop November 2009

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Giving Back with Arlene

On November 9, 2009, Cristiano Cora Studio held a two day “Hair Care” event for the unemployed. After volunteering for two days, I realized how good it felt to give back to the community that supported me all these years.

Knowing that I can help people feel better about themselves in these trying times lifted my spirit. A woman I worked on at the event broke down in tears and thanked me for making her feel beautiful again. Her happiness and joy gave me chills and made me realize how lucky I am to have a skill that I am still passionate about after all these years! I definitely look forward to participating in future events here at the salon.

To book an appointment for a haircut with Senior Stylist, Arleen Quinones please call Cristiano Cora Studio at 212.414.1333.

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